ACIDA is an indigenous non- governmental organization established in November 2007 and have got its license from Afar National Regional State Bureau of Justice and also as per the new legislation of Charities and Civil Societies (Proclamation No. 621/2009) ACISDA has re-registered in April 13, 2011 as Ethiopian Residence Charity in registration number 2290 and received its license from Federal Democratic Ethiopia Civil Society and Charity Agency. In addition, ACISDA has received a new re-registration license in October 3, 2019 from Agency for Civil Society Organization as per the new proclamation number 1113/2019.
ACISDA is currently working in two zones of Afar Region which is from zone one Chifera and Mile Woreda/District and from zone 5 Dewe and Telalak Woreda/District of Afar National Regional State (NRS) in Ethiopia to help bring positive changes in the lives of poor and vulnerable pastoral women and girls through addressing their fundamental rights and reducing sexual gender based violence (SGBV). The target groups are mainly the highly valuable groups including women and children (infants and school age children focusing on girls, pregnant and lactating mothers), children with disability (CWD), Person with Disabilities (PwDs), clan and religious leaders, traditional/local institutions, and Internally Displaced People (IDPs).
Currently ACISDA is received a global grant award-winning local NGO from Feminist Malala Fund in order to implement the project entitled (Addressing the Education Barriers of Pastoral Girls through Improving Social norms, Promoting Gender Inclusive Education, and upgrading Inadequate Learning Conditions for Girls). The organization is received Medallion Award Winner of Afar Region in early 2015 as best NGO performing in Afar Region, and similarly received an excellent project achievement certificate from Mile and Chifera Woredas/Ditricts of Women and Children Affair office about great performance of SGBV project.
ACISDA has a total of 17 staff of which 9 are female and 8 are male staff. The qualification of the staff ranges from College Diploma level (23%), first degree (75%) up to masters and Master level (2%) while the remaining are below that
ACISDA Core Values
Promote and practice forward accountability at grass root level and within our stockholders and will practice the Community Reflection Review Process /CRRP/ which means forward accountability. In addition, ACISDA consistently works in a spirit of mutual trust, honesty, transparency and accountability.
ACISDA promotes and exercises a courageous culture within the organization leadership role as well as grass-root level implementation. Encourage and make relevant assistance for our employee to make our vision and values to be realistic.
It’s a part of Afar Community initiative ACISDA try to address their problem by itself. Strengthen social structure that working together in our implementation. As an Afar indigenous NGO trying to make respond local problem by local solution and identify their priority need, implement with them through project planning up to end of the project life.
Seek sustainable results, by acting to identify and address underlying causes of poverty and rights detailed, we develop and use approaches that ensure our program results in lasting and fundamental improvement in the lives of the poor and marginalized with whom we work.
ACISDA works to ensure that its programs are high quality, effective and efficient in nature. They are results-oriented, achieving both development effectiveness and desired results; and are gender and age sensitive as well.
ACISDA takes pride in being the native indigenous local NGO working in Afar pastoral community exclusively on Afar people development. In addition, ACISDA promotes acceptability by its day-to-day operation; programme approaches, theory of changes, and overall projects implementation at ground level among the pastoral people. ACISDA ensure target beneficiaries acceptance in each projects activities at grass-root level.
Organizational Structure and Governing Board/councils
The ACISDA has its board members and the executive director. ACISDA has a board having 5 members (3 female) and, professionally, it has 1 accounting, 1 management, 1 sociologist. The reaming 2 are male and professionally, it has 1 civil engineer, 1 educational planning and management. The executive director has accountable to the boards as well as the general assembly of ACISDA. The ACISDA organization projects activity are directing and leading by the Executive Director of ACISDA. The Executive Director has been submitting each projects progress report in each quarter for the board members, government bodies and donors/ partner organization. The board committees members have conduct a meeting in each quarter in order to monitor the progress of each ACISDA projects implementation. In line with, the board members closely follow-up and monitor each projects achievement towards to the organization mission and strategic direction. In addition, ACISDA shall have a general assembly meeting once per year.
The General Assembly (GA) is the top decision-making organ of ACISDA. It hears and approves the auditor’s report, annual work plan and annual reports as well as revision and endorsement of organizational policy documents. External auditor and Board appointment are also the responsibility of the GA. The GA is electing the board members. The GA is required to meet at least once per year as per the bylaw. The GA has 30 members out of which 21 are female and 9 are male.