Electrification and Water Supplying
Project In The Village of Hanle Dabi
The village of Hanle Dabi is located in the District of Qammih-Baxa.
Qammih-Baxa is one of the Woredas (Districts) of the Administrative Zone 3 in the Afar
Region. Hanle Dabi is located near the Awash River, about 50km from the Awsah in Cotton
Road. It is also about 300 km north of Addis Ababa.
The GPS coordinate are:
Latitude: 9400121329613205
Long: 40172410011291504
The population is now engaged in in the process of settlement.
The population of this area are mostly pastoralist nomadic and semi-nomadic herdsmen.
The entire communities of this area are affected by the first phase of this project positively.
About 2,000 inhabitants of this area benefited from the project, as they gained access to a safe drinking water.
About 300 school-age-children were identified in the area who lack of electricity. The project has set up a solar electricity system to help provide facilities both to the students and educational institutions in the areas. This programme already is improving the lives of hundreds of Afar students in “Hanle Dabi”, who have gained access to the regular supply of electricity for the first time in their lives.
This Project was initially developed in collaboration with Kelissa Association and European Social Fund (ESF) who provided us the technical and material assistances and other equipment to use in our project development. The whole population both “children, young people, men, women and the elderly people”, of the Hanle Dabi village and surrounding neighbourhoods have benefited from this project indeed.
In 2003, the Afar Regional Government set up a pilot project to provide a drinking water to the village. But, this solution has major drawbacks problems. This is because the drill works with a generator that requires extensive use of Diesel to operate, which involves leasing an all-terrain vehicle and a travel day for the purchase of fuel. We contacted a company, "Hela Construction" to check and identify the problem involved, for the necessary examination for
drilling and installation of the pump materials.
Photovoltaic module drilling
The Collaborating Company Completed the Following Tasks
Drilling is done near the existing well (about 15m).
Installation of a pump supplied by us with the provision of the column refoulement, and accessories from the top of the drilling
Running a cement curb 0.8 m high at the top of the borehole
The site includes supplies the services and work necessary to achieve the drilling described below including the installation of electric group of 4 "diameter(supplied
by ESF) of the column outlet and the drill head
The pump is installed at about 70 m depth.
The Data Produced by Drilling Hela Construction
The drill has a diameter of about 150 mm
The depth reached is 80 m above the natural ground
For information on the performance of the drilling water level in the current drilling was about 20 m below the Natural Land
The column is composed of 11 lengths type galvanized
Drilling head is closed and traversed by the latter of the column tube which is equipped with an elbow, a valve and a valve
The head of the drill consists of masonry solid 0.8 m high. Steel casing exceeds 10 cm above the massif
The seal between the drilling and ground-level concrete slab is made by our project
We have made repairing leaking of water pipes of the distribution network of the centre; preparation and installation of photovoltaic modules on the roof of the local
technical, wiring and electrical connection to the pump are also made to achieve a desired result.
The old pump had a capacity of 10m3/h of water for 4 hours every 3 days is 36m3. While the new solar pump has a flow rate of 2m3/h and run for 8 hours per day, which will be able to provide 45m3 15m3 per day, for 3 days.
The villagers will get sufficient clean water with lower operating costs. Providing a better water supply can significantly improve the quality of life of the Hanle Dabi.
A technician is trained in the field throughout the mission for the maintenance of the installation.
Electrification of the School
The purchase of materials was managed in Addis Ababa. The choice of equipment,
installation of photovoltaic modules on the roofs of buildings with the installation of wooden
supports and their attachment to the structure, wiring and electrical connection to the charge
controller and the inverter for each building concerned with commissioning, has been made
by the project team.
Electrification of Clinic
The materials were purchased in Addis Ababa. The PV array was installed on the ground. Method of execution that was used is laying wooden supports mounting on the frame electrical connection to the charge controller and the inverter Commissioning information for users to better manage battery life.
The Hanle Dabi project helped local communities to access to safe drinking water. Improved access to education and health conditions of the local people.
Empowered and encouraged local communities to engaged in their economic, social, cultural development programme to improve their living conditions.
Improved local Health Clinic Center and Educational Institution by the provision of supplying electricity and water facilities needed.
Local Authorities, local Community leaders and local communities are particularly happily excited about this initiative and thanked our project worker and ACISDA Organisation for their charitable work in their village. The fact is that these communities have been suffering from extreme climate conditions, lack of a clear water, electricity and healthcare for many years.
This Project is considered as a Pilot programme delivered by ACISDA