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       Healthcare Network Programme

                           "SOKORO PROJECT"


According to the 2005 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia, the population of Zone 5 of the Afar
Regional State were estimated approximately at 350,000 inhabitants, 200,000 of them were male (s) and
150,000 were female (s).


According to Dr. Claude-Émile TOURNÉ, who is a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, this Zone has an extremely poor health status and the highest maternal mortality rate of women in childbirth in Afar Regional State. This is because to the harmful traditional practices like cutting/ mutilating of
female genitalia (Female Genital Mutilation) which are vastly practiced in these communities.


This ancient Pharaonic Female genital mutilation has serious consequences for the health of Afar women's health and child. FGM is practised differs from community to community, and each region has its own characteristics in practice. For example: Girls may be circumcised at the age of 2 years, 4 years, 6 years or 8 years and son on) and it is the traditional midwives (Ullat Ina), who perform the procedure.


Girls circumcised face a urinary tract infection, Chronic infections of the bladder and vagina and Childbirth obstruction, which can result in chronic incontinence that can lead to Anaemia and the death of mother and bay during delivery; if it is an attack of malaria which is very common in Awash River borders in this Zone, the chances of survival are very unlikely.

A young Afar girl excised


In addition to a large part of the territory there are Traditional Birth Attendants (Mid-Wives “Ullat-Ina") who make traditional birth deliveries and Female Genital Mutilation is generally performed by these Traditional Birth

Attendants. Furthermore, no knowledge of Placenta Praevia and TBA, and thetraditional birth attendant’s skills are primary.

Consequently, to address this problem, we urgently set up "Community Healthcare Network Programme” at the Dalifage Hospital to provide free medical treatment to the population of Zone 5. We have provided Modern Medical Equipment for Dalifage Hospital to improve the health conditions of the community and improve the capacity of the Hospital. We have equipped the Hospital with all required medical equipment and facilities. Also, we organized the building and maternity in which we built with some additional rooms; such as:

– "Consultation Room” with an ultrasound machine.
– Delivery room,
– Minor Operation Room,
– Pharmacy,
– Sterilization Room,
– Two rooms available for large equipment and consumables

Maternity Plan

Operating theater of the maternity

                                                   CAPACITY BUILDING

202 Mid wives were trained in modern methods of Obstetrics and aseptic

A sonographer is also trained for 3 years for the detection of placenta and urinary
      infection strips

17 Maternity Midwives work had also received training for 3 years, and 6 months
      practical training by a qualified midwife

– We have appointed a midwives responsible for the Districts of Dalifage, Dawe, Hadale
      Ela, Komami and Talalak
to operate the Community Healthcare Network

– Programme” for the distribution of medicines, information and feedback to the Hospital
      of Dalifage (Reference Centre for the Programme).

– The distribution of delivery kits in all districts,

Traditional midwife

  of care network

Trainning of the sonographer

          by Dr. Tourné

The traditional midwife said that bush is at the heart of the programme, as they are the midwives and excision. Our program was based on pedagogy and practices related to childbirth. To meet the health needs of the community, we started to make the distribution of Drugs in all districts of Zone 5 during our consultation.


  •  Iron +

  •  All pregnant women from six months advised on taking a tablet until the day of delivery

  •  Ciprofloxacin (minute treatment) all pregnant women had a consultation ultrasound  every month to motherhood and they underwent screening for urinary tract infection

  • Pyremethamine Sulfadoxine (intermittent preventive treatment against malaria).


For the organization of Healthcare Network, the Senior Manager, the sonographer, a midwife are in charge of the area, district and administrative Centre. The responsibilities were defined in such a way, so the necessary information can be reported to the Reference Centre of Dalifage Hospital to follow up.

    Delivery of childbirth kit to midwife

        responsible Dawe district

Network Organization of Care

To determine the success of the project, we set up a system for collecting information through feedback and evaluation process, each midwife who is making a delivery will have to fill in a Form recording the process of delivery, so that we can establish a system of birth data.


And finally, to make a point about our projects, we held workshops in all 5 districts of Zone 5 and had a General Meeting at Dalifage, the capital City of Zone 5, Zonal and local Authorities, Community Leaders, Midwives, Clan leaders and traditional Sultan of Dawe, Sultan Mohamed Helem were involved in the meetings. These workshops based on exchanges of information, good practices and expertise between Local Authorities, Network Personnel and all midwives. The project was also recognized as a Pilot Programme for the region, the Inter-African Committee of the UN.

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